网友分享:===楼主:Happy new year!希望可以帮助你,满意的话,希望采纳,谢谢。
网友分享:a good athlete 。
Sports Management and Administration 。
master sport *** an 。
网友分享:She is a good sports woman,she can play many sports,swimming,jogging and badminton 楼主:Happy new year!。
郭晶晶/ 吴敏霞 跳 水 女子双人3米板 田亮/ 杨景辉 跳 水 男子双人3米板 冼东妹 柔 道 女子52公斤级 朱启南 射 击 男子10米气步枪 陈艳青 举 重 女子58公斤级 罗雪娟 游 泳 女子100。
excellent runner 。
7。关于运动的英语的短语 室外运动 outdoor sports; 体育运动 athletic sports; 水上运动 aquatic sports; 运动健将 master of sports; sport *** aster; 散步也是一种运动。 Walking is also a form of exercise。 运动中的物质 matter in。
网友分享:Monday Tuesday Wednesday, badminton, table tennis, billiards, tennis Thursday, Friday football, going to the gym muscle on Saturday, Sunday to go to the jogging, but in fact, basketball is his favorite。
他是个运动健将,每天像打了鸡血一样,根本停不下来 He is a master sport *** an, just like he has been injected with stimulants (或 “chicken blood”) everyday, simply cannot stop。打鸡血 = exciting, full of 。