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  • 体育资讯
  • 2022-10-19
  • 214
  • 更新时间:2024-07-02 01:10:53


网友分享:I come from Australia and have been studying in Beijng for nearly 2 years。I really want to be a volunteer for Beijing Olympic Games in 2008。I have the confidence to be an outstanding volunteer for the dif。


写作思路:可以写一下招募志愿者的要求以及过程,中心要明确,语言通顺,避免语法使用错误等等。正文:We’re writing this letter to recruit volunteers on summer vocation。 And we do hope more students are willing to 。


网友分享:对我来说,成为2022年奥运会的志愿者意义重大。这是因为这是一个向世界展示中国的绝佳机会。因此,我相信我能胜任这个职位。谢谢你考虑我的申请,我期待着在你方便的时候与你见面。你的,李华 。


我想成为北京奥运会的志愿者。我意识到时光飞逝,我必须努力学习英语。因为英语很有用,也很重要。做奥运志愿者对我自己也有好处。I can make some friends from different countries and learn more about sport,about olympi。


我喜欢英语,我希望在2022年冬奥会来临之际,我能够做一名合格的志愿者,用英语向国外友人介绍我们家乡的美丽与富饶,用英语歌唱我们祖国的繁荣富强。The Beijing Zhangjiakou high speed railway in my hometown provides 。


网友分享:I am skilled in cooperating with others ,which make me a suitable person as a vonlunteer。I am eager to be a volunteer and I am waiting for your masaage。(注意楼上是骗人的,他什么都没做,出了一行字)。


网友分享:Dear Peter How‘s it going?I’m very gald to recieve your letter asking for my advice on how to become a good volunteer in the 2012 London Olympics。I hope that my experience can heip you。 Before the Oi。


网友分享:I want to be a volunteer, because I think it‘s very happy to help others。我想成为一名志愿者,因为我认为帮助别人是非常快乐的。I ll volunteer for children。 I ll going to teach children who have trouble in。

8、校学生会暑假招募志愿者 英语作文

网友分享:校学生会暑假招募志愿者英语作文:As it is necessary for college students to take an active part in social activities,the Student Union decides to organize a social practice during the summer holiday and is now。

9、申请做一名亚运会的志愿者的英语作文 英语作文! 初二的! 70个单词

I would keep order of the audiences,help and receive the foreign athletes and so on。In order to be a thoughtful volunteer,I must make some preparation。I’ll catch time by the forelock to study English and。