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  • 体育资讯
  • 2022-09-30
  • 187
  • 更新时间:2024-07-10 15:07:24



7b unit1 词组(三中的朋友要偶帮忙)

Unit 1

Would you like to live in a palace?

next to a restaurant

the biggest one

around the world

a large house

read comics

sit on the floor

look out at the beach and the sea / look out of the window

live in a *** all town in Thailand

live with my family in a wooden house

over a river

climb a ladder

get into my house / get out of

the second child of my family

It rains a lot.

make dinner

in the evenings

in the sitting room

live in the centre of Moscow

live with my family in a flat

on a busy street

on the seventh floor

share a bedroom with my sister / share sth. with *** .

grow flowers

more than

on the balcony

in front of

opposite the door

on the bedside table

above the bed

on the phone

arrive in +大地方 arrive at +小地方 / get to /reach

I can’t wait to see you. / can’t wait to do

have a free day on Monday

Don’t worry.

take you to the Great Wall / take *** . to some place

be different from

It is nice to sit in the armchair and watch TV.

May I speak to *** .?

Who’s calling?

I’m calling from my new home.

I’ll call you when I am free.

at least

on the ground floor

There are no other rooms on the second floor.

stay with me

at the same time

fifty metres long

a room with twelve showers and four baths

have a shower

two floors above Wendy

six floos below Wendy

Unit 2

one tin of dog food

in the fridge

How much money do we have?

order a pizza

enjoy eating Chinese food

play badminton

watch films

Let’s take them to the sports centre. /take *** . to some place

lots of Chinese restaurants

go to the cinema

There are lots of things to do in Sunshine Town.

tell you about life in this great new town

live in a modern town

It is only 40 minutes from the centre of Beijing by underground.

There is less air pollution in Sunshine Town than in other areas of Beijing.

go walking

most of us

live in buildings like this

be close to our friends

for example

live in the same building

They do not have to go far if they need help with their homework.

shop until ten o’clock at night

find lots of souvenirs here

pay a little money

in the right place

It is hard to say.

choose any food you like

try Beijing Duck

Western restaurants

Why don’t you do

visit our local theatre

enjoy Beijing opera

never mind

think of

It takes 40 minutes to walk from Sunshine Town to the centre of Beijing.

at the theatre

be sick

I think thirty of each will be enough.

need lots of food

fifteen loaves of bread

What else do we need?

belong to *** .

plan to do

hold a party

prepare food and drink for the party

works of art

Chinese paintings

There are lot of fun and interesting things to see.

That sounds great.

What time shall we leave in the morning?

enjoy a full day there

meet friends at the youth centre

ride bicycles

play ball games in the park

near the bus stop

friends nearby

show you around my home town

grow vegetables and flowers in the garden

It takes about twenty minutes to get to the nearest town.

on my bicycle

warm and sunny

go into the centre of the town

It is a wonderful place to live.

What type of house do you live in?

Unit 3

follow me

know the way

be sure

Let’s go down here.

Don’t be afraid.

have to go up again

be north of

be north-west of

be south-west of

get to

go by bus

twin brothers

three men in police uniform

live nearby

drive to

get out of their car

at once

run out of the building

push somebody into the back of a green van

drive away

try to do / try not to do

run to the police station

Shall we take different routes?

go along Sixth Street

turn left into / turn right into

take another route

at the traffic lights

jump out of the van

run away

report to somebody

stop talking / stop to do stop doing

be surprised to do

take notes

the back door of their van

ask *** . about sth.

laugh happily

call *** . for help

go down 7th Street

ask *** . (not) to do

come to the corner of the road

cross the road

swim across the pool

go through a tunnel

climb up the hill

walk down the stairs

Can you tell me the way to…

walk up the steps

at the other side of the park

walk over the bridge

take the bus to the Summer Palace

all day

win the game

not … at all

start a campfire

take the second turning on the right /turn right at the second turning

walk past the wooden house

walk towards the bridge

tur left at your building

walk straight on

take the first turning on the left

all over the world

get different kinds of information

use search engines to find the information you need

most students

half of the students

invite you to a farewell party / invite *** . to do

We would like everybody to bring their own food and drink.

The map shows you hoe to get to Sunshine Park.

look forward to doing

Can you tell me how to get to the shopping mall?

Unit 4


come on

so *** all

It takes about three days to travel from Earth to the moon by rocket.

a man in the USA

2.72 metres tall

Fish sleep with their eyes open.

keep your eyes open

walk on tiptoe

There is no plant life without lightning.

as usual

sit under the big tree

hear a whisper from the bushes

turn around

anything unusual

be frightened / feel frightened

hear the strange noise

on one’s way ( to )…

What happened?

tell me more / tell *** . everything

search carefully

say to oneself

make a sound like a whisper

later that day

take the little cat to the animal centre

take ( good ) care of / look after well

the following Sunday

have a great time

not … any more / no more

be crazy about sth. /doing

be fond of music

wake up early / wake *** . up

bark at *** .

a very hard-working student

last night

last week

ten years ago

give *** . an introduction

see many amazing things

What a pity!

take photos

so many amazing animals

be afraid of

be a little afraid

be excited to do

live on Earth

a long time ago

hundreds of different kinds of dinosaurs

one of the *** allest dinosaurs

weigh about three kilograms

on land

lay eggs

live up to 150 years old

as well as

be interested in sth./ doing

Thank you for your help.

know more about animals

find it interesting

remember your words about tortoises

each eye of a camel

sth. happen to *** .

three seconds ago

during our lives

the weight of six elephants

decide to do

go there again next time

love playing cards

stop to have dinner

put meat between two pieces of bread

learn to make this kind of food

name the food after the man

at the age of 21

few of them

keep on doing

at the same year

by 1967

some beautiful dresses made of silk

thousands of years ago

learn a lot about Chinese history

enjoy the visit to the museum

Unit 5

How cool! 真酷!

be careful 当心

plant trees 种树

help an old man 帮助一位老人

clean up the park 把公园清理干净

give a seat to someone on the bus 在公共汽车上给某人让座

visit a home for the elderly 参观老年公寓

help his neighbour out of a fire 帮他的邻居逃离火灾

be at home alone 独自在家

hear someone shouting ‘Fire! Fire!’听到某人大喊‘火!火!’

run outside 跑出去

see a lot *** oke from next door 看见从隔壁冒出许多烟

hurt one’s leg 伤了腿

run back to 跑回到

pour water over his jacket把水泼在他的夹克衫上

rush into 冲进

put out the fire with a blanket 用毯子扑灭火

be in hospital for two months 住院两个月

What a brave young man! 多勇敢的一个年轻人!

It is important to be careful with fire. 当心火很重要。

keep someone safe from danger 使某人远离危险

stop a fire 灭火

hurt by fire 被火弄伤

Do not leave the stove on. 别让炉子开着。

Do not put anything hot into the rubbish bin. 别把烫的东西放进垃圾箱。

Keep long hair away from fire. 让长发远离火。

recommend Daniel for the Grade 7 Most Helpful Student Award 推荐Daniel 为七年级最乐于助人的学生奖项得主

think of others first 先考虑别人

play water sports 进行水上运动

fall down 摔倒

run up 跑上前

be grateful for his help 对他的帮助充满感激

row a boat 划船

fly kites /fly a kite 放风筝

forget to bring a football 忘记把足球带来

What a big fire! 多大的一场火!

have a good memory 记性好

be good at writing 擅长写作

quite good 相当好

read more often 多读

do one’s best (to do ) 尽力(去做)

play the piano well 钢琴弹得好

organize class activities well 班级活动组织得好

have good grades in 在。。。方面有好成绩

get better results in Geography 在地理学科取得更好的成绩

get into the school team 进入校队

I can’t dance at all. 我根本不会跳舞。

It’s difficult for me. 它对我来说太难了。

teach me how to dance 教我如何跳舞

No problem. 没问题。

learn things quickly 学东西快

plan everything well 每件事都计划得好

work well in a team 团队协作精神好

lose one’s way 迷路

in the street 在街上

stay with the boy 和那个男孩待在一起

get an award 得到一个奖

hear from somebody 收到某人的来信

have a drama show for the elderly 为老年人举办一场戏剧表演

Unit 6

Bring me my lunch. 把我的午餐拿来

be more polite 更礼貌

I like watching it swim around. 我喜欢看它游来游去

sleep on my lap 睡在我的膝上

hold it in my hand 把它握在我的手里

feed her carrots 喂她胡萝卜

teach it to speak /teach *** . to do 教它说话 / 教某人做某事

My dog is the cleverest animal of all. 我的狗是最聪明的动物

do wonderful tricks 玩精彩的小把戏

I’ll look after him until the end. 我将一直照顾它

She isn’t any trouble. 它一点也不麻烦

feed her much 喂它太多(食物)

on top of pianos 在钢琴的顶上

on the edge 在边缘

in open drawers 在打开的抽屉里

They don’t care. 他们不介意

most of the time 大部分时间

make a lot of noise 发出许多噪音

ring the doorbell 按响门铃

run after a ball 追着球跑

look around for *** . 寻找某人

need to do 需要做某事

chase balls 追赶球

get tired 疲劳

hide herself in the cupboard 把她自己藏在橱子里

a very special friend 一位非常特殊的朋友

look so beautiful 看上去如此美丽

in the sun 在阳光下

repeat the words I say 重复我说的话

knock on the cage door 敲笼子的门

be full 饱的

Don’t frighten the cat. 不要吓着猫

clean the fish tank 清洗鱼缸

brush the dog’s fur 刷狗毛

leave your pet at home alone 把你的宠物单独留在家

bring your pet to school 把你的宠物带到学校来

It is necessary to do 做某事很必要

want them to be healthy 想让他们健康

It is a good idea to do 做某事是个好主意

You can find its fur all over our flat. 我们的公寓里到处可见它的毛

I do not know how to look after it. 我不知道如何照顾它

be busy at work all day 整天忙于工作

bark a lot 经常叫

have enough to eat 有足够的东西吃

Fantail goldfish are easy to look after. 扇尾金鱼很容易照顾

Make sure the water is not too cold or too hot. 确保水既不太冷也不太热

put some stones at the bottom of the tank 在鱼缸的底部放一些石块

take something out of the water 把某物拿出水

listen to a talk on the fantail goldfish 听一场关于扇尾金鱼的报告

once a day 一天一次

eat special fish food 吃特殊的鱼食

be different from 与…不同

look a little different 看上去有一点不同

look the same 看上去很像

play tricks on *** . 捉弄某人

belong to 属于

have short, grey fur and white paws 长着短短的灰毛,白爪子

pull her tail 拽它的尾巴

eat cat food from a tin 吃罐装的猫粮

play with balls 玩球

lie on the bed 躺在床上

She doesn’t like being on a lead. 她不喜欢被链子拴着

中午记得把你的足球带到学校来用英语怎么说「明天在我们学校有一场足球赛用英语怎么说」  第1张



全部释义和例句 Take home the football


全部释义和例句 Take home the football


(1)Can you help me take my notebook to school ?

(2)Let's go to play soccer!

(3)What do runners eat for breakfast?

(4)I usually eat meat ,vagetables and rice for lunch.




soccer:英 [ˈsɒkə]美 [ˈsɑkər],意思是美足球;〈口〉英式足球(橄榄球)。

1、(球类运动) soccer; football; association football:


American football;


soccer; association football

2、(指此项运动用的球) football




Our school defeated that school at [ in] football.


I've arranged to go with him to tomorrow's football match.


I queued for two hours to get a ticket to see the football game

求全文翻译。前面还有一句是Bobby is in Grade One. Here is his h





· 一个鞋盒。得是一个大盒子,装成人鞋子的。

· 剪刀

· 胶水

· 彩色记号笔

· 一些你最喜欢的东西

· 你自己的一幅画




 * 你擅长弹吉它吗?如果是,你可以剪下一张吉它的图片并粘在盒子里。

 * 如果你喜欢看电视, 画一个像电视机的小盒子。

 * 喜欢运动吗?放个小篮球在你的盒子里,也可以把一个足球动员的图片粘在盒子         里。

 * 如果你喜欢在海滩上玩,放点沙子到盒子里。

 * 粘一张你经常去的地方的图片。

 * 在盒子里面画一个你的宠物的图片。

 * 加上你喜欢的一本书的名字,或你喜欢的一个游戏。

 * 盒子里放一个你喜欢的小玩具。

 * 粘上一张你和朋友或家人的照片。

   发挥你的想象力,想出其它新鲜有趣的 *** ,来告诉人们关于你自己。你会看到,做一个“我的一切”的盒子是多么有趣!



你能带他去学校踢足球吗 英语怎么说?

你好。你能带他去学校踢足球吗 翻译成英语是:Can you take him to the school to play football?
