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  • 体育资讯
  • 2022-11-06
  • 77
  • 更新时间:2024-06-27 02:51:25


滑雪英语介绍:Skiing is a competitive sport in which athletes mount skis on the soles of their boots and carry out speed, jumping and sliding on the snow。 Skis are made of a mixture of wood, metal and 。


在北京冬奥会高山滑雪11个小项中,中国队已有10个小项实现奥运达标。Among the 11 events of alpine skiing in the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, the Chinese team has achieved the Olympic standard in 10 events。4。


Beijing is now thefirst city to host both the summer and the winter Olympics。北京成为了之一个主办夏季和冬季奥运会的城市。“China is areliable partner because we always honor our commitment,”Wei Jizhong, a 。


介绍奥运会的英语作文带翻译如下:“The Games of the 29th Olympiad in 2008 are awarded to the city of Beijing。”“2008年第29届奥运会授予北京市。”The International Olympic Committee selected the Chinese capital as。


网友分享:奥运会运动项目英文名称 Aquatics(水上运动)Swimming 游泳 freestyle 自由泳 backstroke 仰泳 breaststroke 蛙泳 butterfly 蝶泳 individual medley 个人混合泳 freestyle relay 自由泳接力 medley relay 混合泳接力 Water polo 。


and Zhangjiakou division undertakes all the snow sports except snowmobile, sledge, alpine skiing and Freestyle Ski Jumping platforms。北京赛区承办所有的冰上项目和自由式滑雪大跳台,延庆赛区承办雪车、雪橇及高山滑雪项目。


2022北京冬奥会英文介绍如下:Dear Sir or Madam,I’m Li Hua, a student from China。 I’m writing to express my interest in your recently advertised position for a volunteer of 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games。


冬奥会介绍英语带中文翻译写法如下:Today we‘re going to learn about an awesome sporting event that happens once every four years。今天我们要了解的是一项四年举办一次的体育赛事。It’s very cold, it‘s very 。


Mainly held by the world, is the world’s largest comprehensive winter games, held every four years。The participating countries are mainly distributed around the world, including Europe, Africa, America, Asia and。


关于冬奥会的英语作文带翻译有如下:Today we‘re going to learn about an awesome sporting event that happens once every four years。今天我们要了解的是一项四年举办一次的体育赛事。It’s very cold, it's very 。