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  • 体育资讯
  • 2022-12-01
  • 303
  • 更新时间:2024-05-17 15:49:16


Of all the China‘s medalists, Liu Xiang is the hero of my heart。 I will never forget the time when he broke through the finishing line first and won men’s 110 meters hurdle final and got a gold met。


网友分享:2008 is such a common number, but many Chinese will get excited when they mention it。 How can a common number attract such a strange fascination? The answer is simple and obvious: the twenty-ninth Olympic 。


网友分享:Xiuxiang,我们的英雄,被认为世界的一个飞行人全部!(二)It was the first time for China to win a Grand Slam final in any discipline and capped a breakthrough 12 months in which Yan and Zheng won two oth。




网友分享:promote world peace and enhance the friendship among people of the world, so that the Olympic spirit will flourish once again, this time in China, an oriental country with an ancient civilization。中国人民一向赞。


我心目中的奥运英雄 Hero in My Heart Of all theChina‘s medalists, Liu Xiang is the hero of my heart。 I will never forget the time when he broke through the finishing line first and won men’s 110 。


网友分享:今天,我看了“中国夺金英雄的‘钱途’ 明奖至少40万暗奖六位数”的新闻后,不仅心潮澎湃,“获云南历史上首枚奥运金牌 张国政获重奖150万元”的新闻更让我想入非非了。我按捺不住内心的激动,我想给体育健儿们写一封简短的信,我想。


so I believe he will win again。奥运会,我感动的是刘翔。虽然他没有取得好成绩,但他已经尽力了。他忍着痛苦来到赛场,足以让我们感动。我很佩服他。我要赞赏他的坚强。刘翔的实力我们都知道,所以我相信他会再次获胜。


网友分享:equaling the world record set and breaking the Olympic record。Although Liu Xing failed to start his first-round heat in the 110 metres hurdlesin at the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing,we still look forward to。


No。 36 wearing his number cloth, in the darkness of the Ying Chen, Yiqueyiguai and ran into the stadium…… this scene will never become fixed in the Olympic history of the classical scene。1968 Mexico 。