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  • 体育资讯
  • 2022-11-27
  • 179
  • 更新时间:2024-06-15 07:54:16


网友分享:作文如下:The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games are walking towards us,taking a big step。Now how to grow up along with Olympic Champions has become a hot topic and the highlight of our concern。2008年北京奥运会正。


网友分享:Liuxiang(刘翔)-the flying man in the world!Liuxiang made a perfect fly in the olympic games in 2004, and won not only the gold metal but also the respect in the world!His fly knocked all the suspicio。



3、一篇关于奥运会的英语作文 80词以上 求学霸

Bidding for and hosting the Olympics successfully is, perhaps, the ultimate glory for a city。 However, before transforming the dream into reality, the benefits and drawbacks of bidding for the Olympics should be。


The Summer Olympic Games is coming soon, I feel so excited, my father will follow the games and I will company him。 It is a great time for both of us。 We share our opinion and talk like friends。我。


网友分享:迎2008奥运 2001年7月13日,对于中华民族来说是永远不能忘记的日子。当萨马兰奇老人站在话筒前,当那一声清脆的“北京”响起的时刻,是我们中国人最骄傲的一刻。我们首都北京的申奥成功,有人可能并不知道申奥对于一个国家来。



7、the hero in my heart英文作文

网友分享:My hero Qian Xuesen, one of the most famous scientists in China, is the hero in my heart。 He has the greatest intelligence in the world。 When he was young, he studied in many famous universities in the。

8、关于伦敦奥运选手的一篇英语作文 50词左右 (只需一位选手)

网友分享:之一篇:My name is lily。 I come from China, the 2012Olympic Games is coming。 I think that London is a very busy, very beautiful city, now the Olympic Games to be held in London, I think it must 。

