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  • 体育资讯
  • 2022-11-05
  • 80
  • 更新时间:2024-06-27 02:58:34


网友分享:作文如下:The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games are walking towards us,taking a big step。Now how to grow up along with Olympic Champions has become a hot topic and the highlight of our concern。2008年北京奥运会正。


网友分享:我知道 发你 。


网友分享:when suddenly the girl fell off the boat into the water。 She was struggling and her parents cried out。


1。 奥运冠军的共同点:1)追求卓越 2)尊重他人(对手,裁判,媒体等)3)永不言败 2。 如何做生活中的冠军:1)明确的目标是动力的源泉 2)专著和良好的心态是成功的决定因素 3)你的观点(至少两点)The 2008 Beijin。


网友分享:绿色奥运 The Olympic Games will be held in our country in two years’ time。 “Green Olympics” is one of the Three Themes of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games。 The Beijing government had made a great effort in。

5、the hero in my heart英文作文

网友分享:My hero Qian Xuesen, one of the most famous scientists in China, is the hero in my heart。 He has the greatest intelligence in the world。 When he was young, he studied in many famous universities in the。


奥运是和平的象征,它是中国人民的共同目标,人民渴望得到和平,希望世界可以得到统一。So people attach great importance to the Olympics。所以人民都非常重视奥运。Today, the Olympic Games finally opened in Beijing, and 。


coming back home。At last,Li Ning,who eventually made the main tourh light up called the prince of gymnastics。There had much too entertainments which could not describe。Mrs Liu, What did you think so?。


网友分享:英语作文:学校网址开设了一个“我最喜欢的博物冠军”栏目,请你为该栏目投稿,介绍一位你喜欢的奥运冠军,内容包括1,简要介绍该奥运冠军2,该奥运冠军所取得的一些成绩3,你的简要评 英语作文:学校网址开设了一个“我最喜欢的博物冠军。


网友分享:从广播电视、书籍、 *** ,以及学校组织的各种迎奥运活动、主题班会中,我渐渐了解了一个综合集成的奥运理念。为此,我也积极参与到这种迎奥运的活动之中。我曾参加学校、海淀区、北京市组织的迎奥运英语比赛、绘画比赛、电脑比赛。