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  • 体育资讯
  • 2022-10-30
  • 78
  • 更新时间:2024-06-29 21:18:47


网友分享:manifested the people of the other countries in the world to live together fully on the identical Earth, the peace-loving the happy wish。 , mascot figure, lucky baby, China, for this Olympic Games have com。


网友分享:,你能够为我们从政治的层面解释一下奥运吗?(意译啊意译)休 爱德华斯(Huw Edwards):嗯,休(Sue,指休巴克),这事很不容易。基本上,中国正在对世界这样说的:我们是二十一世界的超级大国;我们能够做史上更好的奥运。他们在奥运上花费了40。


“ Bless you, belong to China, belong to Peking, belong to our 2008!”这简单的十个字,给了中国人民无限的力量,特别是对于我而言更是一种强大的精神鼓舞,这就是2008北京奥运会的口号。中国人民对2008北京奥运会总。


网友分享:28 items,Respectively BEHave already made a contract with 88 cabarets,Have already specified 20 hospitals as specialized hospitals 。

4、用八句英语句子介绍一下奥林匹克运动会 并带上翻译 用高一生掌握的词汇

The Olympic Games The Olympic Games, first held in 776BC, has a history of more than one thousand yiars。 The Games is held every four years。Many countries try their best to bid forhosting the Olympic 。


网友分享:One day and one day, until finally the 08 Olympic Games in Beijing, I look forward to the full Shou in front of the television watching a sports field has skills competition, the full experience ‘higher, 。


网友分享:November 11, 2005, 2008 Olympic Games 1000-day countdown to the bell sounded land in China, sounded in every Chinese people’s minds。 Now, it is like a silent siren, the constant reminder of where : 。


When I see China 2008 successful of time, I was excited very。The our country goes to the back of Olympic game, Los Angeles from disease man in East Asia, allowing the sea to break 0 of breakthrough, 。


网友分享:in February 2001 gave a Dutuoyite unfortunately experienced three months of gloomy。 In a motorcycle accident, Dutuo Hitt lost left calf。 She finished training, is the way to school。 Although doctors spent a 。


奥运是神圣的,它凝聚着中国人民的期望。The Olympic Games is a symbol of peace。 It is the common goal of the Chinese people。 The people long for peace and hope that the world can be unified。奥运是和平的。